Posts Tagged ‘family

good afternoon world!

how are you all doing? hope well 🙂

i’m sitting right here at the starbucks on 49th and madison sippin’ on my soy hazelnut latte (yum by the way), and i’m here thinking of a way to better my life which by the way should’ve been progessing (getting there). ..i have goals that needs to be achieved :: opening my little planner::  i need to get back on writing my 6 months goals (which helps by the way).

ok i am employed (god knows i’ve been working hard since i was 16) and always held a job then, and even a couple of years ago in high school i’ve held three jobs (that’s when the haitian-mexican kicked in) lol..

i have my family and great friends that loves me and i know will always be there to understand my crazy, wacky derrier! i am healthy (thank god)..

my issues are i’m such a friggin’ procrastinator (lol)..seriously i am, and you know what that leads to? laziness, staying behind, not an achiever. ..in my own words ,and the way i would define procrastination is: laziness, no goal-oriented, not an achiever, shameful, fear-what is wrong with me?

so with that said i don’t want to be any of the above, and never was none of the above but my procrastinating  describes me that way. i am not lazy (everyone that knows me knows that i’m not). i have goals and purposes in life.

but i can sure admit that i have been putting alot of things, no important things behind that needs to get done ASAP!!

so  for the year of ’09 i will improve my life better and continue to life, love, laugh and not let anyone get the best of me..because no one can make me happy but me.

i plan on getting on my grinds like coffe beans ehh!!




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